April 12, 2006

give me a hoe-cake.

current jam: Burning Of The Midnight Lamp by The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Hi there. It’s been awhile, it’s all my fault. How have you been? Anything new & fancy in your life? Mine has been rather, errr, irrelevant.

I went to the video store the other day & couldn’t find a single film to rent. I then asked the 5th different video store if they had HOLLYWOOD SHUFFLE by Robert Townsend & they looked at me blankly. They have freakin’ Sinbad DVD’s & loads of Whoopi Goldberg DVD’s but no Hollywood Shuffle? The idea is just ludicrous to me. And how on earth was Sinbad ever in high enough demand to merit him an acting career? It’s completely mind-boggling. Hell, I am suprised Whoopi Goldberg still had a career after 1986’s JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH. Ick.

Posted by staynobody at April 12, 2006 02:40 PM

You mentioned that movie to me many moons ago, and I have had no luck in finding it. Are you sure it exists? Perhaps you just imagined seeing it?

It's been too long.

Posted by: Chad on April 20, 2006 02:22 AM

Oh, and there are SO MANY fucking good movies out right now. If you couldn't find anything good to rent, then you must have seen them all already!

Posted by: Chad on April 20, 2006 02:30 AM