Perdus les rêves de s’aimer,
Le temps où on avait rien fait,
Il nous reste toute une vie pour pleurer
Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls.
Nous ne sommes pas seuls parce que nous sommes des amis.
Posted by: Nick on December 5, 2004 01:12 PM*haiku*
abigail is sad
she is alone in phoenix
will she find her prince
The forthcoming words came out of my mouth after I went to my garage to smoke a cigarette and noticed a "waterbug" on the 2x4 behind where I'd sit. Realizing that the temperature was rather cool, I blew a quick breath toward the insect and it fell to the floor, as if paralyzed...
Scurry, scurry
Little critter
Where to go, but
Not to litter
I dedicate this to you -- the bugs chillin' in my car's crib!
Posted by: Nick on December 7, 2004 05:27 PM