September 08, 2004

I swear, if you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I'm out of here


When this film first came out I couldn’t find anyone to go see it with me, it was heartbreaking, truly. Well people finally came around to the genius of ‘BASEKETBALL’ - and since then it has become well adored. It’s hard chosing a favorite Trey & Matt film but Baseketball is just so damn quirky & it’s by far Dian Bachar greatest role. Why doesn’t that guy do more films?

Posted by staynobody at September 8, 2004 02:26 PM

I have to agree that Dian Bachar is the best part of BASEketball. He even made Orgazmo somewhat bearable. Just thinking of the guy makes me laugh. Based on his stature and goofy looks, I doubt we'll be seeing him in any hard-hitting dramas anytime soon, but that's okay.

Oh, and you gotta love the vibrator-licking scene.

Posted by: Chad on September 10, 2004 04:40 AM