December 31, 2004

I hate you, New Year's Eve

This is the last entry of the year, the summarizing one, the granddad of the entries, the errrrmmm… you get the picture.

This past year has seen me lose my best friend & grow distant from other friends. I spent 365 days here, in my own place. The furthest I traveled was a day trip to Monterey. I really dislike not being out of town; hopefully I will get out more often in 2005. I met a girl, she’s beautiful and beyond nice to me & I am honored to hold her hand. Just when I started to give up on people, she came along and saved me. She is by far the greatest encounter I had this year. I bought a ton of records, my top 20, or 40, or even 50 of 2004 will be complete soon enough. I know everyone is dying for the list. Heh.

I don’t have any real resolutions for the New Year except to mix it up more often. I’d elaborate on this notion except I have contracted some bizarre illness that has given me a nasty fever & I think my time of sitting upwards is over and I need to get back horizontal, so until next year…

P.S. New Year’s Eve is still the most depressing day of the year. And I finally have somebody to kiss, except she is nowhere near. Plus me being sick and all, probably not the best idea to makeout with me.

Posted by staynobody at December 31, 2004 11:53 AM

Dynamite Cop.

Posted by: Dustin on December 31, 2004 02:38 PM