October 13, 2004

fire sky

Yesterday the sky was neon orange with the choking smell of a wild fire in the air.

Ick, I am too fat at the moment. I keep telling myself, “okay, tomorrow morning I am going running”. But it’s obvious that I haven’t been. In fact, I have gained 5 pounds in 2 days. I hate this body, I hate this face, I hate this brain. But I do love - love & my cats & pizza with real, soft mozzarella! Let’s eat.

I knew I should have bought the new Mos Def record today. I suck.

Posted by staynobody at October 13, 2004 02:54 PM

You're glowing! Are you pregnant? But seriously, you look unusually happy. Good! :)

Posted by: Nick on October 13, 2004 04:34 PM

*sigh* I remember when the weather was nice. Great picture... but who's the slim subject?

Finally got to see Saved! Seriously, it's the best movie of 2004. I thought it was just going to be funny, but it was also unexpectedly moving. The fact that the chick who played Hilary Faye was hot didn't hurt things, though.

Posted by: Chad on October 14, 2004 04:43 AM

Posted by: kayla on October 14, 2004 07:25 PM

you eat cats?

Posted by: didofoot on October 15, 2004 01:05 PM