October 06, 2004

jimmy olsen's dilemma

Besides, ‘total shit’, what genre would you classify the Spin Doctor’s “Pocket Full of Kryptonite” under?

And “Rock” is not an option.

Posted by staynobody at October 6, 2004 04:57 PM

that is the soundtrack of my eighth grade crush kissing another girl. it is the sound of bitterness and failure. but it is damn catchy.

Posted by: didofoot on October 8, 2004 10:32 AM

Adult Contemporary - like Michael Bolton or Celine Dion... totally forgettable until the day you happen to hear one of those songs and it sticks in your brain like a disease or something - maybe like obsessive compulsive disorder - and you get to the point that you just want the sound to stop so you consider taking your life because you can't imagine going on another second with that inane droning and realize after awhile that all you have to do is play your favorite song and it somehow pushes the bad stuff out of your head and then you notice that you can only write run-on sentences!

Posted by: Nick on October 12, 2004 07:21 AM

Adult Contemporary eh? What is your favorite song? Errrrmmm... lemme guess... ICE CREAM MAN by VAN HALEN? Tell me, what is so wrong with run-on sentences?

Posted by: crystopher on October 12, 2004 10:53 AM

That is a horrible soundtrack and a horrible story!!! What was popular in 8th grade? Bobby Brown's first record?

Posted by: crystopher on October 12, 2004 10:55 AM

If I have to pick one favorite song it would be "Montok Point" by William Orbit and there is nothing wrong with run-on sentences other than the obvious fact that the English language seems to be degenerating into a mess of contrived phrases used to capture the 'I don't care' attitude of today's seemingly short-attention-span-information-soundbyte-craving-numbnuts.

Posted by: Nick on October 12, 2004 06:22 PM