Yessssssss! No other film on my list gets me nearly as excited when I hear it’s title. Why oh why do they keep pushing back the release date for the DVD, it’s driving me mad. If you have not seen this gem of an 80’s film, why are you even here? Go out and watch this film immediately! I command you.
My brothers and I completely wore out our VHS copy of The Monster Squad when we were kids. I have not seen it since, and in fact, can barely even remember it. Has it really been that long?
Posted by: Chaddyshack on September 2, 2004 03:02 AMI had a shitty dub of it as a kid & I myself, wore it out as well. This film is like the greatest lost film ever.
Posted by: CB on September 2, 2004 10:37 AMtrust me, I am uber jealous of your copy. I hate you Dustin.
Posted by: CB on September 3, 2004 12:15 AM